Insurance experts: medical insurance does not reimburse the insured amount higher pay, the more
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Publisher:King Medical Date:2012-1-15 Click:1261
Wangdangerous conditionin order toget morepaymentaftergold, andboughttwo companiesreimbursemedicalexpenses insurance, the totalinsured amountof up tothousands of dollars.However, whenshe was sick,hospitalized, but onlyget 1millionpayment.
Insuranceexperts said thathospital medicalinsuranceadvantageousmoderate,notcastmore youpaythe highersum insured.
It is understood thatreimbursement ofexpensesbytype ofhospital medical insurancefor medical expenseswiththe actualbillclaimsto followthe principle of compensation.That is, whenthe insured person'smedical expenseshave beenin one place,such asotherinsurance companies,orsocial security, orthe unitreimbursement,after receivingcompensation, you can notgetbeyond the actualexpendituresovercompensationfrom the insurance company.
In addition,there isa class of medicalinsurancethattypeof insurancebenefits,regardless of theactualmedical costs,without providinginvoicesclaim.As long asthe occurrence ofsurgeryorhospitalization, you can geta fixedclaimsfrom the insurance company.