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Insurance experts: medical insurance does not reimburse the insured amount higher pay, the more
Double click and roll and reject automatically Publisher:King Medical  Date:2012-1-15  Click:1139

   Wang dangerous condition in order to get more payment after gold, and bought two companies reimburse medical expenses insurance, the total insured amount of up to thousands of dollars. However, when she was sick, hospitalized, but only get 1 million payment.

   Insurance experts said that hospital medical insurance advantageous moderate, not cast more you pay the higher sum insured.

   It is understood that reimbursement of expenses by type of hospital medical insurance for medical expenses with the actual bill claims to follow the principle of compensation. That is, when the insured person's medical expenses have been in one place, such as other insurance companies, or social security, or the unit reimbursement, after receiving compensation, you can not get beyond the actual expenditures over compensation from the insurance company.

   In addition, there is a class of medical insurance that type of insurance benefits, regardless of the actual medical costs, without providing invoices claim. As long as the occurrence of surgery or hospitalization, you can get a fixed claims from the insurance company.
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