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《Biofeedback treatment of functional disorders of colorectal Seminar》 was held
Double click and roll and reject automatically Publisher:King Medical  Date:2012-1-15  Click:2237

September 3, 2011,King Medical (Changzhou) Electronic Co., Ltd. "Biofeedback treatment of functional disorders of colorectal seminar" organized was held in the beautiful Taihu Bay, Shanghai Punan Hospital, Zhenjiang First People Gastroenterology, anorectal specialist hospital director, the First People's Hospital of Changzhou, Zhangjiagang First People's Hospital, the First People's Hospital of Jiangyin, Jiangyin City Hospital, etc. as well as Jiangsu, Zhejiang region attended the meeting.

Meeting special invite renowned experts to digest sector - Miss Lin Lin Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital medical director doing great, "the use of biofeedback in the treatment of colorectal diseases can function" academic reports, meeting everyone biofeedback treatment of functional bowel disorder effect technology problems encountered in the course of treatment as well as prospects for the future in-depth discussion.

September 4 in the afternoon, the meeting ended!
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