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Make life more healthy - community outreach health products company
Double click and roll and reject automatically Publisher:King Medical  Date:2012-1-15  Click:1671

   In recent years, the incidence of chronic diseases, accelerating the rise, it is becoming one of the major threats to our national health. With the development of society, people's living standards improve, the common people more and more attention to health issues.

   "Healthy, how do we closer to you?" For this purpose, the company intended to carry out in August and September this year, health literacy activities in various communities in Changzhou, the theme is "universal health harmonious society."

   In the event we are interspersed with a "prize contests, free blood pressure, blood sugar free, free municipal specialist outpatient appointment," and other activities. Activities are welcome to community residents, in a relaxed atmosphere, we learned a health knowledge, while the company's health products also have a certain understanding. Activities of the company's brand image gradually improved.

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