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Household Series >> ST Breathing Therapy Devices


Simple: small volume, light weight, low noise, using the large LCD display, intuitive user interface makes it easier to use.
Effective: higher therapeutic effect on the performance of our pursuit. Combining with the physiological characteristics of the human respiratory, we designed the intellignt and personalized multi-decision system. It will be easy to achieve a perfect synchronization between the patient and the device, and then, to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Comfort: use the embedded operating system, the professional German motor, the Swiss High-performance sensors, and the proprietary FlexVentiTM technology. Make the treatment process unprecedented comfortable.


● Professional German Motor, international leading.
● Swiss High-performance Sensors, easy to get the accurate date
● Large LCD display, make it operate simply
● Precision low-noise design, make quiet and comfortable sleeping environment.

Clinical Use

Sleep apnea is a high incidence of disease. In recent years, though its harmfulness has gradually attracted people’s attention, the lack of sufficient knowledge, coupled with increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, heart and lung dysfunction ,and the other concurrent illnesses outstanding, people tend to focus on the compellations, while ignoring the real culprit of the disease---sleep apnea.
St breathing Therapy Devices consist of a small air compressor, control circuits, sensors, air flow output conduit and nasal mask. According to the preset pressure, the output pressure will be maintained, and the pressure will be applied to the patient’s upper respiratory tract through a pipe and a nasal mask. And then, keep the upper respiratory tract open and unobstructed to eliminate snoring, hypopnea and sleep apnea.


Model: ST 208

Model: ST208A

Treatment: CPAP

Treatment: CPAP

PressureRange: 4~20cmH2O

PressureRange: 4~20cmH2O

Pressure Accuracy: 0.5cmH2O

Pressure Accuracy: 0.5cmH2O

Delay Boost: 4~60min

Auto-adjustment of output pressure

Noise: 30dB

Delay Boost: 4~60min

Alarm: alarm when power off, mask off

Noise: 30dB

Power: 100~200VAC,50/60Hz

Alarm: alarm when power off, mask off

Integrated heated humidifier, 5-speed adjustable

Power: 100~200VAC,50/60Hz

Automatic switcher

Integrated heated humidifier, 5-speed adjustable


Automatic switcher




Treatment: S/CPAP

Treatment: S/T/ST/CPAP/Auto-CPAP

Inspiratory pressure: 4~25 cmH2O

Inspiratory pressure: 4~25 cmH2O

Expiratory pressure: 4~25 cmH2O

Expiratory pressure: 4~25 cmH2O

Sustained pressure: 4~20 cmH2O

Sustained pressure: 4~20 cmH2O

Respiratory Rate: 5-30bpm

Auto-adjustment of pressure:only fit ST528A

Inspiratory Time: 0.5~3s

Respiratory Rate: 5-30bpm

Max Inspiratory Safety Time: 2~120s

Inspiratory Time: 0.5~3s

Delay Boost:4~60min

Max Inspiratory Safety Time: 2~120s

Noise: 30dB

Delay Boost:4~60min

Alarm: alarm when power off, leak, over pressure, and power failure

Noise: 30dB

Power: 24VDC, 2.5A

Alarm: alarm when power off, leak, over pressure, and power failure


Power: 24VDC, 2.5A

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